Zoran Kostić
Zoran Kostić,Ph.D. zk2172(at)columbia.edu
Professor of Professional Practice, EE MS Program Director
Electrical Engineering Department, Data Sciences Institute, Columbia University in the City of New York
Research Projects
AI for Smart Cities and Digital Twins
NSF CPS: Medium: Hybrid Twins for Urban Transportation: From Intersections to Citywide Management
Using Speech and Language to Identify Patients at Risk for Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits in Homecare Setting
NIH R01 - 1R01AG081928-01
Columbia Center of Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT) - https://cait.engineering.columbia.edu/
Amazon-sponsored research project - 2021 - https://cait.engineering.columbia.edu/content/funded-projects-fellows
AI Applications for Smart City Intersections - COSMOS Testbed
NSF Engineering Research Center
Smart-City Intersections link.
COSMOS testbed for Advanced wireless research and applications link.
Columbia COSMOS testbed link.
COSMOS/PAWR Cloud Enhanced Open Software-Defined Mobile Wireless Testbed link, link.
Cloud-connected vehicles
Small object detection and tracking
Impact of video resolution and object density on accuracy and speed of object detection inference
Social Distancing
Privacy preservation
Real-time deployment
Applications of AI in surgery
Peripheral Edema Detection
Advanced Deep Learning (EECS E6691 TPC - Topics in Data-driven Analysis and Computation)
Deep Learning on the Edge (EECS E6692 TPC - Topics in Data Driven Analysis and Computation)
Heterogeneous Computing for Signal and Data Processing (EECS E4750)
Internet of Things - Systems and Physical Data Analytics (EECS E6765)
Internet of Things - Engineering Innovations and Commercialization (EECS E6766)
Digital Communications(ELEN E4702)
Electronic Circuits (ELEN E3331)
Research Opportunities
Postdoctoral Position: Machine Learning and Digital Twins link.
M.S. Program in Electrical Engineering
Mobile Data, Computing and Communications
Wireless Internet, Systems and Networks
Deep Learning
Signal Processing
Mobile System-on-Chip, Systems, Hybrid SW/HW systems
Mobile graphics engines
Product development, research, intellectual property development, consulting and due diligence
Active Interests and Research
Smart Cities, smart intersections, cloud-connected vehicles
Deep Learning Applications
Advanced Wireless Research
Internet of Things (IoT) -> see http://iotcolumbia.weebly.com/
Mobile health, medical applications of technology
GPUs, computing on heterogeneous multiprocessor architectures - general purpose, graphics, DSP and programmable VLSI, parallel CUDA and OpenCL
Evolution of spectrum and next generation mobile systems
Funded Projects
2023- : AI Applications for Smart City Intersections, NSF Engineering Research Center, https://cs3-erc.org/, https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2133516
2023- : "Using Speech and Language to Identify Patients at Risk for Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits in Homecare Setting", NIH R01 - 1R01AG081928-01, https://reporter.nih.gov/search/6pfuGg2sN0iDm0oHUSFAQA/project-details/10638400
2021-2024: “CPS: Medium: Hybrid Twins for Urban Transportation: From Intersections to Citywide,” NSF Cyber-Physical systems grant.
2018-2022: “NSF Research Education for Teachers (RET) for COSMOS, and NSF Research Experience and Mentoring EFRI NewLAW.
2021: Using speech and language to identify patients at risk for hospitalizations and emergency department visits in homecare, Amazon sponsored research award related to the Columbia Center of AI Technology, https://cait.engineering.columbia.edu/.
2018-2023: “COSMOS: Cloud Enhanced Open Software Defined Mobile Wireless Testbed for City-Scale Deployment”, NSF/PAWR grant.
2019: ”Verizon 5G EdTech - 5G COVET (5G COSMOS Verizon Education Toolkit).
2018-2020: “Deep Learning for Phenotyping of Peripheral Edema,” HFSA Nursing Mini Grant.
2017-2018: “Elucidating complexity and characterizing phenotypes of peripheral edema”, Phase I Grant: Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Pilot Research (CaMPR) Award, Columbia Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
2001-2002: One of two principal authors of the proposal which obtained US$3.5 million funding for research and implementation of reconfigurable wireless processors. On technical advisory board of the startup which developed multi-antenna, diversity-enabled WCDMA-3G mobile terminal ASIC.
Supported by
NSF, NIH, Amazon, Nvidia, Intel, Broadcom, Google, ST Microelectronics, Atmel/Microchip, Silicon Labs, KLA-Tencor.
Retired Reports and Datasets
Reports on smart city applications, internet of things projects and medical applications
Short Bio
Zoran Kostic received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rochester and Dipl. Ing. degree from the University of Novi Sad. Prior to joining Electrical Engineering department of Columbia University, he worked on research and development in Bell Laboratories, AT&T Research, Thomson Multimedia, The Mathworks and Broadcom, and taught at several academic institutions.
Zoran's industrial expertise spans mobile data systems and wireless communications, from algorithms and VLSI modem design to architecture of TCP/IP-based cellular networks in early OFDM-based systems. He worked on software-defined radios, display processing and openVG graphics engines. His work covered both research and SW/HW system development, which resulted in notable publications record, three dozen patents and critical contributions to successful products. As a Senior Principal Scientist, he was the system architecture lead for two multi-core mobile SoC product lines. Zoran's present interests lie in deep learning applications in smart cities and medicine, internet of things, mobile data, and applications of parallel and heterogeneous computing architectures. He has experience in Intellectual Property consulting.
Dr. Kostic is a senior member of the IEEE. He served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Communications Letters, and organized technical symposia and numerous conference sessions.